Why are laws against age discrimination important?

There are laws that protect against a range of types of discrimination. These laws seek to protect those who are most vulnerable to issues in the workplace that arise from bias and stereotypes. One type of discrimination law protects workers over the age of 40 from age discrimination.  You may wonder why age discrimination laws […]

What is unlawful presence?

Unlawful presence means that if you violate immigration regulations, you will immediately lose your legal status in the United States. Beginning on the day after the violation, you will be present in the US without authorization. If the primary visa holder on an F1 or J1 accrues unlawful presence, so do their dependents on the […]

Does conviction affect your chances of getting a green card?

When you apply for a green card, the USCIs will want to know how you have previously interacted with the law both in and outside the United States. As always, they will give immigration priorities to law-abiding citizens, and whether you are married to a US citizen, your criminal record may hinder your entry into […]

When a DUI leads to immigration issues

For any driver, DUI charges are incredibly overwhelming and turn life upside down in many ways. Financial problems, anxiety, the loss of driving privileges and time behind bars becomes a reality for many people who find themselves in this position. However, we recognize that some people have an especially difficult time in the wake of […]

Dealing with discrimination as an immigrant

Discrimination is always tough, regardless of the reason why one faces mistreatment at work and the unique details of their circumstances (such as divorce, financial hardships and other challenges in life). However, it is important to draw attention to situations when discrimination becomes especially problematic. For example, those who recently immigrated to the U.S. and […]

Immigration fees may soon see an increase

Immigrating to the United States can be expensive. After all, not only must individuals finance a new life, but they typically also must pay steep immigration-related expenses. Even worse, new immigrants may not have the authorization to work in the United States while their immigration matters are pending.  Just before the Thanksgiving holiday, the Trump […]

New regulations could deny asylum due to any criminal record

There are a lot of regulations in place for immigrants in this country. They are swiftly increasing, too, as the Trump administration holds true to promises to crack down on allowing undocumented people into the country. A current move is tightening restrictions for those who have a criminal background and could prevent many people in Texas from […]

Will the government deport me for filing workers compensation?

Suffering an injury at work is something that can cause a lot of disruption in your life. Luckily, you have the right to report it to workers’ compensation and receive payments to help you as you seek medical care and recuperate. If you are undocumented in Colorado, you may worry about dealing with workers’ compensation. […]

Can an employer discriminate due to citizenship status?

If you are an immigrant to the United States and working in Colorado, you may worry about discrimination due to your citizenship status. While you may not have every right of a U.S. citizen, you still have some rights afforded to all people within the borders of this country, and that includes the right to […]

How can a DUI bar you from admittance into the U.S.?

If you wish to live in Colorado but you are not a U.S. citizen, then you have to go through the federal immigration process. There are many rules and policies in place for this procedure. The point of the rules is only to allow people who can be productive members of society into the country. […]